Почему масла в КПП, АКПП нужно менять

замена масла в кпп

В процессе эксплуатации КПП или АКПП требуется периодическая замена масла. Периодичность замены зависит от многих факторов. В первую очередь это интенсивность езды. Так как при интенсивной езде периодичность замены масла достигает 30-40 тысяч километров пробега. Но производители рекомендуют менять масло в коробке передач через 0-60 тысяч километров пробега.

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Когда нужно менять тормозные диски

тормозные диски

Замена тормозных дисков определяется степенью износа, а вернее остаточной толщиной рабочей поверхности. Этот параметр устанавливается производителем и каждого автомобиля он разный.

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Меняйте масло в двигателе вовремя!

замена масла в двигателе

Не пренебрегайте инструкцией по эксплуатации автомобиля и своевременно меняйте масло в соответствии с ней.
При каждой замене не забывайте менять сопутствующие запасные части (фильтра и прочее).

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Проверяйте уровень антифриза каждые 7 дней!

антифриз замена

Каждый водитель должен регулярно проверять уровень антифриза, рекомендуется делать это каждые 7 дней. Только так можно сохранить мотор в исправном состоянии и вовремя обнаружить протечку либо разгерметизацию системы охлаждения.

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How to make your tires last 8+ years?

With the double-digit percentage increase in the rate of tires, it has become a matter of utmost importance to extend their life. To increase the longevity of the tires, we need to follow a regular care routine. This will not only help in saving money, but will also ensure safety. Few of them are – Keep them aligned is a significant requirement. If the tires point in or out, the edges get abraded faster.

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Expert Brake Repair Services for Healthy Brakes

No car trouble is more catastrophic than a brake trouble. Brakes are the ones with the stopping power to make your car stop. Its regular inspection and speedy brake repairs at the slightest hint of a problem can actually be a lifesaver. However, not all brake repair providers have the right credibility and reputation attached to their name. However, with us at Auto, you can be assured of reaching the ultimate destination for all brake repair issues at the most cost.

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Recognizing Signs For Replacing Spark Plug-ins

An integral and critical part of the ignition services, spark plugs can easily become fouled, damaged or worn out and may require replacements. Avoiding it or postponing it can lead to a multitude of engine problems. Generally, replacing spark plug-ins is recommended after an average of 30,000 miles. Apart from it, the below mentioned telltale signs should alert you for replacing spark plug-ins which is done best at Auto.

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Top Reasons For You To Opt For a Professional Car Washing Service

It’s common for any car owner to go for a normal car wash in his home using soap and water. However, while this is ok, one should get a professional car washing done by a competent and reputed professional like Auto more often than not. It actually offers you several advantages like: At Auto, highly sophisticated cleaning equipments and harmless washing solvents are used which gives you a more thorough cleaning using less water than a regular driveway or pavement cleaning.

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What Would it take to Build a True BMW Competitor?

In recent times, Bavarian Motor Works or, BMW has become the preeminent brand in the luxury car segment. What exactly gives BMW the strategic advantage over its competitors? BMW centers on maintaining its products within the introduction and growth stages of the cycle. This has helped strike a chord with the existing and prospective.

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